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Are we really aware?

These days people so much aware of all the incidents happening around this world.That too,people in fourty plus, are so very keen in sharing these than today's youngsters.This thought popped up, only a few days back.When i was traveling in bus a few days ago, a girl next to me coughed without having her hanki over her mouth.Immediately a lady in her late fourty's who was sitting in the next seat asked this girl to use her hand kerchief.Do you know the reason ? Its because of the wide spread of H1N1 virus.Another incident too happened under similar circumstances.A girl was about to get her ticket from the bus conductor.She had her hanki in her hand.Unfortunately , conductor's fingers touched her hanki while he was giving her ticket.You know what he said?"Keep your kerchief aside.do not bring it near me.Are you not aware of H1N1?"I was really amazed to see their awareness. On the other hand , I met a very educated lady who asked me a silly question:"Should we not have the H1N1 vaccine after we are affected by swine flu?"see how silly people are....!